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politics with an...

open mind.



Untribal is a platform for political commentary that focuses on creating meaningful dialogue without the typical partisan rhetoric. We strive to provide thoughtful analysis and insight into the current state of politics and how it affects ordinary folk.

We aim to break down the language barrier between the politically engaged and disengaged. By doing so, we'll empower individuals to become more informed and engaged citizens beyond tribal party politics..


Through our articles, podcasts and other media, we hope to foster an environment of understanding and respect, even in the toughest conversations.

Politics isnae about talking up to impress. It's about regular people like you and I chatting about what's right and wrong.


You dinnae have to try speak like an MSP to know your stuff. In fact, it's often the muppets that do exactly that.

Innes Burns,

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It's creative.
It's brilliant.

Mhairi Black



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